Wednesday, May 18, 2016

      A 72 Hour Training Run..

This past weekend I ran the 72 hour race at the NJ Trail Series 3 Days at the Fair event in Augusta NJ. This event has something for everyone: From a single marathon or 50k, to multiple (4) marathons, to timed events ranging from 6 hours to 72 hours (and they have a 6 day race planned for next year), all occurring concurrently. It’s run on a 1 mile relatively flat loop around the Sussex county fairgrounds…hence the name. There is one aid station at the start finish line. It’s a full working kitchen cranking out food 24hrs a day for the entire event. Thre about 300 people across all the events so you were never really alone on the course..but it was generally never crowded.

So..Why would anyone want to run for 72 hours? In my case, I wanted to use this event  as a training run ( every time I think that..I just want to slap myself In September I plan on running the Tahoe 200 and Has I have no Idea what being out that far or for that long ( I have 100 hours for Tahoe) would feel like ..I wanted to get an idea and also to try some nutritional and energy management ( I.E. Sleep) skills. I had run a 24 hour race at the Venue in 2014 and new that for the 72 hour race ..the Runners would be well taken care of . So I brought up the Idea to my coach Shannon McGinn DosSantos..and she thought it was a great idea ( So nice to have a coach with the same kind of Crazy).

Since my 24 race at 3 days in 2014..All of my 100 mile race have become Sufferfests at some point. ( usually around mile 75). I’ve been either Throwing up or falling asleep ( or both ).out of the 4 100 milers I’ve attempted..I dnf twice ( Vermont..I owe you) and my other finishes were Significantly slower than I trained for. So the plan that Shannon and I came up with for this race was less about distance goals and more about being on my feet ..and feeling good the whole time..So my Goals Were puking
2.. No
3. Slow pace..constant movement..but slower than the past
4. Eat and Eat and Eat..
5. Stay in the race for 72 quitting
6. 200 miles
So..with these ideas in mine Shannon assured me..that if I just slowed down..concentrated on taking care of myself..I would be amazed at the way I would feel and how much farther I would be able to go comfortably..So That’s what I focused on..for the most part..a least early on..

 I arrive at the Fairgrounds  Wednesday to set up.  I was planning on doing this with a crew. No pacers allowed.and you have a full kitchen every mile. I happen to Meet up with my friend Mike Kear, R.D. of  the GOAT BUTT fatass race this June ( best fat ass in Jersey..Check it out on Ultra Signup..shameless plug..) Since we are both new to the 72 hour race.he graciously let’s me share is canopy and we share our positive energy for the next 3 days ( Most often heard phrase from the canopy..” get out of the tent Bitch...” lol. I set my stuff up and go home ( it’s only about 45 minutes from my place and a 9 am start) and try to get a good night's sleep.

There are  a couple of other reasons why I chose this race: First..I probably know about 10% to 15% of people running it..So it’s kind of like a family dinner. Second , Speaking of Family, It’s the McNulty family..The R.D.’s of the Race  Rick and Jennifer McNulty and their extended  family make everyone feel welcomed and cared for..leaving you just one Job..RUN

 So I arrive Thursday Morning.. Get My ankle Chip ( everyone is Chip timed..and the laps can viewed on a TV just after the start/finish line) Get my Swag, Nice Jacket, and get ready start.
At 9am exactly..we are off.

 I think I run the first loop.. After that.. Well. I run a little  I walk a little.. I run a little while with Peter Priolo..he’s an accomplished  Ultra runner who’s using the race as training for  a triple Ironman triathlon ( I’m not so crazy after all..) and we Kind of wind up pacing ( within a few miles ) each other all race. I actually stole his run walk points. So here is how most the activity on the course played out for me..Either I would walk the enter loop, while eating, waking up..falling asleep, general chatting away at about a 17 minutes per mile pace or a run or walking at the same points every time,  at about an 11 to 13 minutes pace. I was hardly ever checking my pace..I would go for hours without looking at the Screen. I would just keep thinking ..” this is about When (72hrs) not Where ( x miles)”. I’m just chilling..with the running that is. Lot’s of friends are stopping by to say hello  it’s just so nice to run a race seeing so many familiar faces.

My goal with running slower is not let my body overheat and my stomach go south. So I start to eat early  honey stinger gels and Honey stinger waffles at first..then cheeseburgers.grilled bars..I just ate. I could never eat before..I knew early something was working..
   The only issue the first day was the heat..It was Hot..and there is almost no shade on the Course. It was 81 (someone said 85..Thanks..I didn’t need to hear that at the I miss calculated on Sunscreen and My face got burnt. But I managed External Cooling (thank you Karl Meltzer) with Ice in my Buff and constantly trying to keep it damp. It affected me less than others..and I was Chilling..I got to my first 50 mile split at 8:30 pm, an 11 ½ hour 50 is about 2 hours slower than what I normal do in a 100,,but I feel awesome..I’m just amazed..I never felt this good after 50..I’m eating and drinking whatever I want..and Nothing is bothering me. I know that night is coming and I’d like to stay awake a long Reasonably possible..Trying not to Zombie walk, So i start taking Caffeine pills and Mixing them with Caffeine tailwind. This works for a while but by 12;15 around 110k ,I start getting sleepy..So  I decided, I’ll sleep now and run a bunch when I get up..I so I put on a Hypnosis/sleep app and crash for about 3 hours. Get up before my alarm and get up and bang out miles. By 9am 82 puking..legs still letting me run..Damn..Shannon was Right.
  I start day with a shower..feels great ..check my feet,one blister..take care of it. Change into fresh..NON TIE DYE clothes ( people had a hard time finding and I’m off. walking ,eating ( eggs and Bacon every morning ..YUMMMY). The temps are cooler the 2nd day but there is one thing that's’s going to’s a matter of start  timing and for How long. After Talking with Peter..that We both only have to do 50k every 12 hours to reach our mutual goal..200 miles. so , I want to maximize my time on the course..I start taking more caffeine pills to stay off the feeling of a nap to coincide with the rain. By 1o’clock the ground was looking kinda it was time for a nap..and 15 minutes later..the Skies opened up..and I nap.
About an hour later, I wake up , rain lets up a little and go..and I join the wet Warriors . I just keep chucking away,  around some many great people are running and doing great things..Pr’s, Usatf Standards..Course the worst Rainy,,Nasty Weather The Rain comes down until about 7. I’m just still’s probably 105-110 miles..and I can still legs aren’t completely shot..I haven’t puked,,I’m eating..this is Just amazing.I go on till about 12;30 and time for another nap..this one wasn’t so tent began cold and damp because the rain..made sleeping difficult..but I slept off and on for about 3 hours..again getting up and putting miles..till 9am total is 143...24 hours to go..

  Day 3..I start out with a 9am shower. Check the feet .no more blisters. Sometime during the night i had changed socks  and Shoes. The shoes only had about 10 miles on them before the race ( a Rookie move)., But I was hoping because of the Wide toe box,they would be ok.and they were.
I’m still doing all the things I did the first, drinking, running..Holy shit..I’m still able to run after 142 miles..and I have less than 2 50 k’s to do in 24 hours. I can do this. I’m amazed every time I’m able to jog/run. I’m being on the really conservative side spend whole hours..walking and chatting..then running a bit.. I can see the goal and I know I can do it..
I’m eating well.( I love eggs and Bacon in the morning) adding calories with Ensure. I’m on occasion having  some small bits of nausea. When it happens I’m eating small amounts of food..Honeystinger waffles ( my new go to food).The  weather is hot, but not as friday..and my pace is significantly slower. I’m taking way more time..but always trying to do something productive..even if it’s jumping in my car for 30 minutes with the A.C.on to take a quick nap to cool down. It takes me almost 11 hours to get through a 50k..I’m not tired..just really not rushing I’m still thinking that time is on my side overall,,but I realize that i won’t be able to get a long sleep till after I hit the 200. So I think I’ll just after survive with short 20 -45 minutes until I reach the end.
Sometime after dark Mike Kear’s wife and son had come by and were taking Him on his Victory lap..It was great to see this,,Mike worked so hard at his goal..both Physically and mentally and I was glad they Were able to share it with Him. If Mike could work through tough times,,so could I..No Sleep till 200
So  things are slowing to a crawl,,but I’m not puking..I’m probably not eating as much as I should at this point..taking some Tums and Ginger ale to calm the stomach..drinking more water than Tailwind. My legs still can move beyond a walk..I’m hesitant to call it running..but they weren’t totally dead..but it was all starting to catch up with me..Hit mile 179 around 10;45 and take a quick’s became a slog from here a little ..take a 5 hour energy a little..take a 20min. for a couple of hours. I hit mile 190 around around 2;45 am (11 miles in 4 hours,,,slowing) and I can taste it..the THEN is on my side,,just have to keep moving..It had started to get I had been running in my swag ( this race is known for it’s awesome, usable swag..never just shirt..) Heavy Jacket.. Jumping my car ( which will never smell the same after this race ) to stay warm. Eating chicken noodles,,drinking coffee..last 5 miles and the sun is on the legs still work (somewhat)..I haven’t miles are ticking down,,I get to last 100 yards and I sprint and scream to the finish….200 miles .I ask The RD’s if the buckle is for 200 0r 201 ( there is a 101 mile buckle..) they say 200 and ring the PR bell.. It’s 5:53am..and I’m still ok. It’s a 72 hour race ..not a 200 mile So I could add more miles if I want,,and do a couple just walking around the course after an 1;45 minute nap..but I came here did what I would have never believed possible,,Ran 200 miles..never got really sick..legs were never truly gone..never wanted to sleep in almost was a pleasure (ALMOST). They are offering a 6 day Option next year,people have asked If I’m going to do it..( they just assume I’m that  All I can say is..Never say Never..

1 comment:

  1. Get out of the tent bitch! lol

    Great write-up and super effort. Thanks for all the support, there and everywhere else. You'll do awesome at Tahoe.
